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When you take your purchase home from the fish market, rinse it under cold running water and store it in an airtight container. For the best flavor, nutrition, and texture, keep it in the refrigerator for no longer than two days before cooking it.

As the saying goes, fish, like guests, start to smell bad after three days. That being the case, if any of the fish you're considering at a fish market seem a trifle strong, avoid them. Ideally, the fish in the market will be very fresh, and laid out on ice; if they're rank, something's not kosher.

Most of us don't have the good fortune of living in a city with a fish market. However, these days most supermarkets have a small fish market tucked away somewhere near the meat case and the deli. The selection won't be huge, and much of the fish will be frozen, but you can still get some good deals.

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Maryland Metro Areas

You can find Fish stores in the following metropolitan areas of Maryland.

Washington DC

Looking for a Maryland Fish market?

"What is a fish market?
Fish store is a professionally managed facility, which traditionally provides fish products and other fresh foods.

Why do you look for one?
If you need a fish market,
» For the freshest fish caught that morning,
» For high quality food,
» For rare or hard to find fish,
» For any type of food from the ocean or sea,
» For whole fish,
then you look for fish stores.

Where do you find a fish market?
BestFoodSite will help you to find the best fish market providing fresh, quality, and professional services. Check our listings to find the best fish market close to you. Whether a large chain or a small private place, you should prefer licensed fish stores."
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